Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu

Katedra za elektronsko poslovanje

IEEE seminar: Using social network analysis to identify user preferences for cultural events

Pozivamo Vas na predavanje Stevana Milovanovića u okviru IEEE seminara CO-16 na temu “Using social network analysis to identify user preferences for cultural events”. Rad pod istoimenim nazivom je osvojio treće mesto u konkurenciji od preko sto radova na međunarodnoj konferenciji “WorldCist’18 – 6th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies” koja je održana od 27-29. marta u Napulju, Italiji.

Predavanje će se održati u utorak, 12.06.2018. u 14:15 časova u sali 301f, na MI SANU, Kneza Mihaila 36.

Sažetak predavanja:

The subject of this paper is social network analysis and its possible application in the field of culture. The main goal is to investigate the potentials of social network analysis for detecting user profiles and preferences regarding the certain types of cultural events. Data was collected through a mobile application and a survey. The results were analyzed using Ucinet and Vosviewer tools. The results reveal three clusters of events, as well as the most influential users and their preferences towards certain types of cultural events. The obtained results can be used to define future marketing activities, such as customization of offers regarding the identified users’ preferences.

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