Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu

Katedra za elektronsko poslovanje

Gostujuće predavanje: Big data view on the customer

U sredu 6. novembra 2019. u okviru nastave iz predmeta Izabrana poglavlja iz elektronskog poslovanja, gostujuće predavanje pod nazivom Big data view on the customer održaće prof.dr Božidar Bob Travica, profesor Univerziteta u Manitobi, Kanada. Sala 109 u 18:15.


Leading companies model the customer differently than it is usually done. The change is triggered by the emergence of Big Data. Owing to the expansion of e-commerce carried out by the globalizing Internet and
mobile technologies, the customer has become global. This customer is signified by the online behavior that consists of searching the Internet, moving in the cyber and physical worlds, online shopping and payment, and casual or purposive action in the social media space. This online behavior is tracked by new information technologies for storing and processing data characterized by a big variety of types, volume, and velocity of creation, that is, Big Data. The presentation explains modeling of the customer with Big Data and its implications for managerial and professional decision making in terms of benefits and risks. Guidelines for risk management are proposed.

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