Pozivamo Vas na predavanje Mirjane Stojanović u okviru IEEE seminara CO-16 na temu “General data protection regulation: impact and implications on mobile operators”.
Predavanje će biti održano u utorak 23. oktobra 2018. godine u 14:15 časova u sali 301f, na MI SANU, Kneza Mihaila 36.
Sažetak predavanja:
The EU General Data Protection Regulation significantly expands the rights of the individuals related to the data privacy. At the same time, it defines the new obligations and responsibilities of the companies collecting and processing personal data. The goal of this paper is to provide the analysis of the new regulation in the context of mobile operators business. It summarizes the main challenges and identifies the main steps for the practical implementation of the compliance. Finally, it emphasizes the potential for the different business benefits if the compliance to the new regulation is implemented in a correct way.